Since 1951
The Ardmore Springdale Civic Association (ASCA) was incorporated November 20, 1951 to protect, preserve, and improve the community in which we live. The Association consists of residents and property owners of Ardmore and Springdale, Maryland, with some overlap with the Glenarden Community.
A beautiful, thriving and well-nurtured community makes everyone better.
The Ardmore Springdale Civic Association was incorporated November 20, 1951 to protect, preserve, and improve the community in which we live. 
Power of Community
We believe that every resident should have a vested interest in the success and prestige of our community. Every community member serves as key stakeholders in our schools, businesses, and the beautification and well-being of our community.  
Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.
- Helen Keller
Our Schools
  • Ardmore Elementary School
  • Ernest Just Middle School
  • Charles Herbert Flowers High School
Stay up-to-date
We work with our local elected leaders, government agencies and other stakeholders to make sure we are kept up to date with things that affect our community, including local development, crime, school, and health statistics. 